Saturday, January 09, 2010


OK, enough whining get to work!! Life has now returned to normal, or as normal as my life gets. I started prepping some canvases for painting when I realized that, even though my painting area looks so quaint in between the corner windows of the bedroom, the light was facing me and not the canvas. Turning the easel around was not a possibility, so I spent this morning rearranging the bedroom. Now the room doesn't look as quaint, but the painting area is very functional.

I need to go to my sons basketball game and then he is spending the rest of the day with a friend. The other children are off doing their own thing today and I find myself with some time to paint. I have all these ideas running around in my head. Of course, I am a little hesitant. I have not done a lot of painting for 3 years (feels like 30), so I am not as confident in my skills as I use to be. I have been doing many painting demonstrations for classes though and they all seem to turn out nicely. So we will see, I will post pics as soon as there is something decent to see.

Hoping this "getting back into the swing of thing" period passes quickly.

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