Saturday, December 27, 2008

spilling my guts

I don't think there is to many people out there that are reading my blog anymore, but I really don't care. I need to get this out of my system. I have been avoiding many things, including this blog, painting, friends..., like the plague. Why?? Well, here it is ....

Two years ago I started a project to add on to my house, I had mentioned it in this blog. What was a dream come true has turned into a true living nightmare. This nightmare has consumed me.

This nightmare has left me angry, resentful, mad, and vengeful.

These emotions do nothing but drain me. They make me doubt myself. They change my focus and goals. They make me less of a mother, less of a friend, less of an artist, less of a person, and I have allowed it.

I am tired now, I need to let go.


andrea said...

There's this show I've seen called Disaster DIY. Can't remember if it's Amrican or Canadian. Sort of like Holmes on Homes. Maybe watching other people dealing with the same thing and writing about it on your blog would help..?

Karen Jacobs said...

Shari, as I read your post, another blog came to mind and I'd like to share it with you. She has also been tested, and is also adding on to her house. Funny that I read her latest (on courage) right after reading yours, so I felt there might be a link here for you:

Rest assured that we don't make it all the way without the bumps and bruises of being tested... they say it makes us stronger, I sure hope they're right! Good luck...

jamieson5 said...

Thanks so much for the encouragement!
Yes, I do believe that misery loves company Andrea. There is a similiar show on HGTV that I have caught and it does make me feel better deep down inside. I think that if others got through it so can I.
Thanks for the post on courage Karen. I read it and there is so much truth that rings true. I spent the day thinking of the life (and house) I want and it does not seem insurmountable, in fact, I think 2009 will have many fufilling moments. Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

You said,"These emotions do nothing but drain me."

Sometimes our souls are like the plumbing in our homes; first we need to be drained before we can be cleaned out.

Everything happens for a purpose...

Blogless me said...

Hi there,

I just found your blog while searching for another "Shari Jamieson". I never thought this name is common, so for a while I thought you were the same person.
The other SJ and I are into patchwork&quilting now but I have been drawing and painting (some watercolour and more oil) for a couple of years before life got in the way ;-). I have always wanted to put my artwork out for my friends and "bored computer geeks" to see.
I have just created a blog ( and plan to start documenting and publishing my "body of work". Looking at your blog makes me more determined to do it.

Thanks and keep up your work in art and on the home front! Good luck to Hannah and all of you!