I love this painting, "Smaraged, Red and Germinating Yellow" by Hans Hofman. It hangs in the Cleveland Museum of Art and has been one of my favorites for a long time, like an old friend. Unfortunately most of the museum is closed for renovations right now, so I have not been able to spend time with this piece in over a year. You see, life has recently thrown me a real loop. I'm sure that I will talk about what is going on in later posts, but for now I just can't. I have not been able to paint, read, exercise...etc. I am just kind of numb and I would love to go to the museum and just walk around. I love the quiet, the smell, the sound of shoes against the floors of the museum. Going to the museum has always been a somewhat spiritual experience for me, it is tranquil and stimulating at the same time. I don't have to talk to anyone or do anything other then sit and look at the art. Its a whole different world. I really miss going there. The renovation will not be finished for 5 more years. I am sure that it will be incredible when it is finished, but I miss my time there. I miss seeing the incredible masterpieces in the different galleries, the Carvaggio, the Rodin, the Hopper and the Picasso room. Two weeks ago I went to the Cincinnati Museum of Art. It was very nice and had an incredible Miro but it wasn't the same. I miss my sanctuary.
Hope you can find a temporary sanctuary where the pressure is off, if just for a bit. Sad that it's neccessary to have to suffer through these periods, but they come to every life. But as you know, this too shall pass. Stay well...
Yes KJ, the feeling will pass, and to tell you the truth if this is the worst thing that happens then my life would be pretty darn good. Its just that adjustment period between how things were and how they will be that gets uncomfortable. Working on finding the sanctuary within. Thanks for your kind words.
I have always admired Hofmann's work. I too know of these sad passages. In many ways they are like the fire that purifies the gold. You will survive and come out the better for it. I will be thinking about you.
Thank you so much Ed. I have found that times have gotten better already. Sometimes all it takes is acceptance that one cannot control everything. Your thoughts and words are much appreciated.
Well Shari, I can't add any more to what's been said, except that I thought about you today and looked at your blog. So happy for you about your recent painting sales. Hoping things are better for you since you last wrote in your blog.
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