I am in the process of putting the final touches on my paintings, varnishing, framing .... I have 2 paintings that I am not 100% happy with, so I will probably be doing some reworking over the weekend, I think. I hesitate to start because the paintings are not bad, I'm 90% satisfied, and whenever I rework one area of a painting I tend to rework the entire painting, also I tend to overpaint in these situations. My fear is that I will really mess it up and run out of time and not have the paintings ready for the show. I have to deliver them on Tuesday. So, I have been "living" with these paintings in my living room hoping that I can look at them long enough to find out EXACTLY what they need, also in hopes of saving myself from endless hours of doing and redoing and redoing and redoing.
I will also be photographing the paintings this weekend, in between going to the Great Geauga County Fair, getting everything ready for school, and trying to instill some obedience into the newest member of our family, Jasper (named after Jasper Johns, one of my favorite artists).He is a dalmation/hound mix that we got from the pound. He is housebroken (thank God!!) and can play a mean game of fetch, but he has chewed up 2 stuffed animals and both of his leashes and he thinks that my white couch is his personal resting area. I know he will be a great addition to the family, but we have some work to do.
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