This summer has been hectic with sports, music lessons, taking kids back and forth to work. The only time that I have had for myself is in the studio, and even there is has been stressful trying to get ready for my show in September. Don't get me wrong, I am fortunate to have a studio space in my home, and I love the work and I love being home with my children, its just painting and running the kids around is all I have been doing. A change was much needed so...
My 14 year old asked me if she could start biking. She is my only child that has not been involved with sports, so I though this is a great idea for her to get her active. Five years ago, my sister and I took a biking tour around the Umbrian region of Italy. I loved every minute of it and wanted to start biking when I got home. Well, life got busy and I never followed up on that interest, until now.

This is a picture of the bicycle that I bought for myself and my daughter (no we haven't gotten any spandex shorts). We have been biking and having a great time. We have started out on the biking trails of our local park district, less chance of being seen by anyone until we really know what we are doing, and can pull off wearing those shorts. Its been great, not to many sore muscles and some good conversations with my daughter. Since she is starting high school in a couple of weeks we made a deal, she keeps her grades up and for graduation we could bike around Italy. I even went out and got some language cd's and have been trying to learn Italian on my drives back and forth from picking up and dropping off. So now when things are getting crazy, my daughter and I hop on our bikes and ride away, arrivederci!!!
No better investment than time spent with your kid. Don't know which b'day you're celebrating, but I suspect you have a few more to go before there's real reason to be concerned. I had no problem turning 30, 40 or 50. But 60 was a bit below the belt. My looks peaked in my forties, methinks... my artistic skills in my fifties... and now I'm happy if I see a smile in my reflection and the studio is still a place where good things happen. KJ
KJ, it was my 45th birthday that brought me to contemplating my navel. I have enjoyed your blog and website for some time now and from the looks of things you havent peaked yet, just seem to be getting better and better, love the new work that is up on the website.
Thanks... I needed that ;-) And Happy B'day!
I'm with KJ. The best thing that I've found about aging is that I don't especially care what others think about me (i.e. superficial stuff) but how I am growing as a person and living a good life.
Ed, I agree, having a good life can only happen when you continue to grow and challenge yourself, no matter what age you are at.
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