Haven't had a lot of time in the studio since Saturday. We had to pack up my oldest daughter for her second year at college. What an undertaking, why did I think that it would be easier the second time around. We still had the mad rush to Wal-mart for those little things that we forgot to get, even though we have had lists going for weeks now. Anyway, I am so glad that she is at a school that she really likes and is inspired to excel this year. She's a smart cookie and has a bright future ahead of her, as a parent, its really exciting to watch. Of course the leaving was emotional, and the 5 hour drive home seemed to take forever, but I am secure with the fact that she is where she is suppose to be, so I am missing her but not sad, which is good.
Her 2 sisters started high school today. They were up at the crack of dawn to do their hair, make up and make sure that they had the right outfit on. It was fun to watch. I know that they will be exhausted when they get home, so to give them a boost I will make the proverbial chocolate chip cookies, something that I have not been able to do for the past 5 years since I usually start teaching the same day they start school. Since I don't even start meetings for another week I will have time do a little baking and finish the last of the paintings for my show.
I am excited for my show and the new school year. Its like a brand new start for the whole family, there is an energy around the house that is refreshing and exhilarating.