Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Its Been A Long Spring Break

School starts again on Monday. I was hoping to get more work done then I have, but I did start a new project. I am trying to tile my family room floor. I ripped the old floor up, which was not that hard but some of the cement came up with the tile. So, instead of being able to lay the tile right away I have to level the floor. I have never leveled a floor let alone tile one, so I am taking my time. I hope that it will be done by Monday (fingers crossed).
This whole project started with a quick visit to Home Depot to look at some gardening supplies. I must confess that I am have a bit of spring fever. I came across some ceramic tiles that matched the family room perfectly and, as luck would have it, it was on sale for 0.63/tile. How could I pass that up!!! Like I have said before, I have been watching a lot of HGTV and I have watched many people lay down tile. I didn't look all that hard so, here I go.
Friday, March 14, 2008
17 Days and Counting!!
I am soooo excited for this coming season of Cleveland Indians baseball. I guess you could say we are a "baseball family". I have two kids that play from spring through summer and we always have the games on the TV. Our family tries to go to a couple games a year. Once baseball starts I know that the good weather is not that far away.
Things are going great with the construction. The painting is 95% done, and will be finished this weekend!! The bathroom floor is being installed and then the plumbing. It will be so nice to have another bathroom. Once that is done the rest (lighting and carpet) will go pretty quickly, then we will move in to the new space. I am sooo excited, not only for the room, but to unpack my studio and set up.
I have been doing a little painting at school. I am teaching 6-7-8 grades acrylic painting. I started doing demos for them, but then just couldn't stop and really got into the paintings. After the lesson is finished I will bring the paintings home and post them. They are simple paintings of apples but I have really enjoyed making them. I will also post some of my students work. I must say for teenagers they are doing a great job, they really are into it. These are times that I can't believe that they pay me to do this. I really do love my job.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
The End of the Season

Today was my son's last basketball game of the season. I really enjoy watching him play, but I must confess that I am glad that basketball season is over (how come just typing this sends off the "I am a bad mommy" feelings). My two daughters are cheerleaders and between them and my son I was at a basketball game, at least, 3 times a week. Between sports and the painting the interior of the house I have not had time for ANYTHING else, aghhhh. My creative side is being fed though, by designing the new interior for the house. Actually, I am having a ball doing it. My den is the only room close to being done, and I must say, I love it, the colors, textures....it is a whole different side of art that I never have done. I guess watching "Design Star" this summer has rubbed off.
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